Species Present:
Walleye: low abundance, above average size.
Northern Pike: average abundance, larger than average size.
Largemouth Bass: below average abundance, average size.
Bluegill: reduced abundance, smaller than average size.
Crappie:Bigger than average abundance, small average size.
Muskellunge: low abundance, unknown size.
Yellow Perch: average abundance, small average size.
Boat Access:
The county owned access is located at the northeast corner of the lake on North Owasso Blvd. Travel west from Rice Street on North Owasso Blvd. to reach the access. Parking is limited. This lake has surface use restrictions. The restrictions are posted at the boat access.
Shore Fishing:
Shore fishing on this lake is limited. Anglers may fish from shore between the boat ramp and the public beach on the northeast shore of the lake. The water is very shallow in this area and anglers may not be very successful.
Management Plans:
Fisheries standard lake survey in 2018.
Fisheries targeted lake survey for Muskellunge in 2021 and 2022.
Stock 293 pounds of Walleye fingerlings annually.
Stock 147 Muskellunge fingerlings in even numbered years.
Monitor winter oxygen levels as needed; operation of winter aeration device by Ramsey County as needed.
Aquatic Invasive Species Alert:
This lake contains Eurasian watermilfoil. Remove any visible plants from your boat, trailer, or other boating equipment before leaving the lake.
Lake Owasso suffered a serious fish kill at ice up in December of 2013. Evaluations in the spring of 2014 indicated a significant reduction in the population of Walleye, Muskie (none were sampled), Largemouth Bass and Bluegill. The population of Northern Pike and Crappie appear to have been minimally impacted. It will take several years for the Walleye and Muskie populations to recover. The Bluegill population is expected to recover in a relatively short time.
The lake is very shallow except for a deep trench along the west shore of the lake. Fishing is limited by the small access and competition with recreational boater – water skiing is very popular here.